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Motive / Thematik (199594)
Topographie (202795)
POSTKARTEN Für Verpackung und MÜNZEN

My items on eBay


Business conditions

1.  Introductory provisions
      Vendor: Furniture Spomyšl, Ltd. (Nábytek Spomyšl s.r.o.)
     Spomyšl 146
      27705  Spomyšl
    Reg. Code 26 77 92 18
    VAT Reg. Code CZ26779218

  Written at the Municipal court in Prague section C, rider 93196
represented by Ilona Horáčková
All offered goods is placed on a domain http://www.pofil.cz/, next as internet shop.
Adequate registered customer in internet shop on a domain http://www.pofil.cz/ 

2. Scope

Those general business conditions are valid only for a business relation between a vendor and a buyer on internet shop.

3. Subject of business

Subject of business are object of collector interest, mainly postcards and old photographs. Vendor refers to the following circumstance:
a/ all offered items are period originals it it is not mentioned differently
 b/ vendor declares that all offered items with symbols and exposures of fascistic, communistic or other movement, assotiations and parties, are period originals and don´t serve its propagation or support by course of § 260 law Nr.140/1961 but they only serve collecting, scientific and fine art purposes.

4. Price

  a/ Prices of the goods mentioned in E-Shop are actual and valid at the time of order, it means sending and confirmation of order in the system of E-Shop.

b/ From the VAT point of view  it is necessary to use a special mode for all goods.

5. Reservation of property

 Ordered goods stays in vendor´s property until the buyer settles all vendor´s claims.

6. Good state degree and description of items
We divide postcards between postcards in perfect state not used in postal service (class N) and between postcards both used and not used in postal service and there are five qualitative good state degrees (I – V).
We make up item descriptions as perfect as possible.
We ask customers to look carefully through offered items, which they are interested in. We recommend that you display offered items in the maximum resolution in order to see all defects very well. We do our best to judge the quality of the item as perfect as possible and place them into a good state scale, that we worked out for you. 

7. Terms of payment

Payment from the Czech Republic.

1. cash during handover in a firm domicile, or by a letter to the address of a firm in advance
2. payment on account in advance
3. payment through Pay Pal in advance
4. cash on delivery

Payment from abroad:

1. cash during handover in a firm domicile

2.or by a letter to the address of a firm in EUR, USD, CZK in advance

3. payment through Pay Pal in advance

8. Transport and transport discounts

       If a custommer don´t choose a different way,we  use for the tranport of shipments Czech post ,Inc.

  The price for the postage for the type and way of transport chosen by you, is a part of the price.
  In case ,an order reaches the limit after subtraction of a guantity discount,you won´t be charged postal charges. Total hight of the postage, type and way of transport, discounts, limit for its calculation are mentioned separately in a category Transport and discounts. (zde prostup  na: poštovné a množstevní  slevy)


Quantity discounts provided to regular customers

Se parate shoppings are during one calendar/year automatically summed up.If their amount reaches a certain limit during a calendary year,the user will automatically receive the quantity  discount for the futher shpping.Each of us can count the discount in the current year is counted from the previous year.If a customer reaches higher discount in the current year,he will be automatically given the discount,he reached,from the next shopping.  The vendor reserves the right to change the hight of the limit.

The buyer will be kept informed about the changer per e-mail.(zde prostup na: poštovné a množstevní  slevy)

10.  Personal data protection

All personal data provided by a buyer will only be used for vendor´s business purposes and will not be provided to other people. The only exception are external forwarders of the shipments (The Czech Post, etc.). All data will be treated under the law Nr. 101/2000 Sb. about the protection of personal data.

11. Right of recision

With respect to Civil Code has a buyer the right of recision within 14 days from takeover of the goods. For recision of contract it is necessary to advise vendor in writing of recision of contract and then send to vendor complete and not damaged goods including a copy of invoice and buyer makes up a credit note. Vendor reserves the right not to accept any shipments sent to his address as cash on delivery.

12. Final provisions

 a/ When a buyer sends the electronic order, herewith he accepts without reserve all provisions in business conditions in a word valid in the day of sending the order and also the valid price of ordered goods if it was not agreed differently in a particular case.
b/ Participants explicitly agreed that for settlemets of disputes between a vendor and a buyer will be used a locally appropriate court according to domicile of a vendor and a buyer and only Czech law is valid in this case.
c/ These business conditions are valid from updating  21.4.2009  and replace their previous version.